BTU Career Center Jobbörse Career Center Job Market Internships, theses, part-time jobs, full-time jobs


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What benefits does the Job Market offer you?

© JiSign - Fotolia.comAs a company you have the possibility to publish current job offers all year round - and it's for free! No matter whether you're offering an internship, a casual job, a job for diploma, bachelor's or master's graduates - our Job Market will provide you with highly qualified students and graduates.. 

Think ahead and contact future specialists right now. Many students try to orientate themselves professionally already during their practical semester. Often, this leads to a long-term cooperation which benefits both sides.

The job offers you publish will be automatically sent to the registered students via email. This service is geared towards the students, that is, if you publish a job offer for students of mechanical engineering, for example, only those students who study mechanical engineering will receive the offer.

Furthermore you can look at profiles of those students who published a job search individually.

Stay flexible and employ a qualified and motivated student!

As a chair representative of the BTU, you post jobs here, but also project and final work.