BTU Career Center Jobbörse Career Center Job Market Internships, theses, part-time jobs, full-time jobs
 This job offer has expired.

6 months ago

Research assistant (m/f/d) in the Chair of Steel and Timber Structuresby BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg

Basic Data

application deadline 17.01.2025
start date as of now
offer type full-time employment
remuneration E 13 TV-L
job location Cottbus
expiration 30.04.2026
required german language skills C2: Approximately mother tongue knowledge
courses of study Civil Engineering

Job Description

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Logo BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg

BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg

location Platz der Deutschen Einheit 1, 03046 Cottbus, Brandenburg, Deutschland
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homepage employer website
contact siehe Stellenbeschreibung
phone number 0355 69 3269
email address