BTU Career Center Jobbörse Career Center Job Market Internships, theses, part-time jobs, full-time jobs
 This job offer has expired.

 ATTENTION: This offer is only available in German
11 months ago

Werkstudent (m/w/d) für Produktinnovation im Spezialtiefbau in Cottbus gesuchtby TBS Tiefbau-Service GmbH

Basic Data

application deadline 31.12.2024
start date as of now
offer type working student
remuneration 15 € / h
job location Cottbus
required german language skills C2: Approximately mother tongue knowledge
courses of study Civil Engineering, Climate Adapted Design and Services, Lightweight and Material Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Business Administration and Engineering

Job Description

download job description


Logo TBS Tiefbau-Service GmbH

TBS Tiefbau-Service GmbHCottbus

location Eichenpark 3, 03050 Cottbus, Deutschland, Deutschland
watch on Google Maps
homepage employer website
contact Herr Jaunich
phone number 0355790600
email address
company profile Wir sind bundesweit gefragter Dienstleister im Spezialtiefbau und stellen Bohrschablonen sowie Leitwände aus Stahlbeton her.