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Fully-funded PhD positions in Biology, Computer Science, Chemistry & Materials, Data Science & Scientific Computing, Mathematics, Neuroscience,Physicsvon Institute of Science and Technology Austria - ISTA

Basisdaten zum Inserat

Bewerbungsschluss 08.01.2024
Antrittsdatum 15.09.2024
Art des Inserats Absolventenstelle
Vergütung from 2471 EUR/month to 3003 EUR/month
Arbeitsort Klosterneuburg, Lower Austria
Befristung 09.01.2024
Stellenanzahl 60
geforderte Deutschkenntnisse A1: Anfänger
geforderte sonstige Sprachkenntnisse englisch
Studiengänge Informatik, Informations- und Medientechnik, Materialchemie, Mathematik, Medizininformatik, Physik, Biotechnologie


Stellenbeschreibung herunterladen


Logo Institute of Science and Technology Austria - ISTA

Institute of Science and Technology Austria - ISTA

Standort Am Campus 1, 3400 Klosterneuburg, Lower Austria, Austria
auf Google Maps ansehen
Telefon-Nr. +4322439000
Firmenprofil ISTA is a cross-disciplinary research institution that combines basic science research with graduate education. Our scientists perform theoretical and experimental research in Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Life Sciences, and Information and System Sciences. They are organized in small to medium-size research groups that interact with each other across the boundaries of traditional disciplines.
In 2019, ISTA was ranked #3 in the world-wide Nature Index ranking (normalized). In 2018, ISTA was ranked within the top ten of Nature Index Rising Stars “Top 30 academic institutions under 30” list and was featured in this article in Nature Index.

ISTA offers excellent infrastructure, an English-speaking, internationally diverse community, and proximity to Vienna.