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Marketing Coordinator (volunteer/ intern)von Intiwawa

Basisdaten zum Inserat

Bewerbungsschluss 31.12.2019
Antrittsdatum 01.06.2019
Art des Inserats Praktikum
Arbeitsort Arequipa, Perú
geforderte Deutschkenntnisse B1: Fortgeschrittene Sprachverwendung
geforderte sonstige Sprachkenntnisse englisch
Studiengänge Betriebswirtschaftslehre


Stellenbeschreibung herunterladen



Standort Calle Santa Catalina 205, 00100 Arequipa, Perú, Deutschland
auf Google Maps ansehen
Ansprechpartner Felix Mohr
Telefon-Nr. +51923221762
Firmenprofil Simply. Helping. Intiwawa is fighting poverty in Peru.

Intiwawa is a dynamic and young organization with the goal of fighting poverty in the southern slums of Arequipa, the second largest city in Peru. Founded as a German-Peruvian organization in 2007, we now consist of an international team volunteering in Peru and in Germany. Our goal is the integral development of the children and a sustainable improvement of their living standards. To achieve this goal and fight the symptoms of poverty, Intiwawa carries out projects in several areas:

Education: Homework support, English classes, tutoring in maths and lecture
Health: Dentist project, promotion of healthy nutrition and personal hygiene
Strengthening sociocultural values: Cultural and artistic workshops
Empowerment of parents: Parent’s School, knitting project for the mothers